Ref #: C-DEC-M-9
50 Jared True Upbeat Kraus.
Die struck alloy, first class award with a gilted finish.
The center of the cross has a square plate with number "50" to the obverse has Gothic script to the reverse, "Für treue Urbeit", (For Faithful Work).
The ribbon suspension ring and loop are both intact and the decoration comes complete with an original blue ribbon.
Very nice example.
Condition: 7
B. FOUR YEAR LONG SERVICE MEDAL. (Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnungen)
Silver washed magnetic metal construction, fourth class award for four years service.
Features Wehrmacht, (Armed Forces), style eagle encompassed by Gothic script, "Treue Dienste in der Wehrmacht" (Loyal Service in the Armed Forces).
Reverse has a large numeral, "4" to the center.
The ribbon suspension ring and medal loop are both intact and the award comes complete with original blue ribbon.
Nice example.
Condition: 7
C. ITALIAN/GERMAN AFRICAN CAMPAIGN MEDAL. (Medaille für den Italiensch-Deutschen Feldzug in Afrika)
Bronze medal features two gladiators representing Germany and Italy slaying a crocodile.
The reverse has the embossed likeness of the Feleni arch, the Royal Knot of the House of Savoy, a fasces and a swastika.
Border of the reverse has script in both Italian and German, "Campagna Italo-Tedesca in Africa", and, "Italienisch-Deutscher Feldzug in Afrika", (Italian-German Campaign in Africa).
Artist name (LORIOLI MILANO) in raised letters over the LEFT claw of the alligator.
The medal has a ribbon suspension bar and comes complete with a original ribbon in both the German and Italian national colors.
Condition: 8
D. WEST WALL MEDAL (Westwand Medaille)
The medal was struck in bronzed brass.
Its oval shape featured on the obverse (from bottom to top) a bunker, a crossed sword and shovel, and the German Eagle.
On the reverse it bore the inscription "Fur Arbeit zum Schutze Deutschlands" (For Work in the Protection/Defense of Germany).
The medal has a ribbon suspension bar and comes complete with a original ribbon.
Condition: 8
E. THE AIR WARDEN HONOR AWARD 2nd CLASS (Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen 2e Stufe)
Zinc medal has the shape of a large round silver grey medal with in the centre a big swastika.
Around this swastika inscription "Für verdienste im Luftschutz" (I'm for Merit Air Raid).
At the reverse year 1938. This refers to the year of institution.
The ribbon suspension ring and medal loop are both intact and the award comes complete with original ribbon. The broad ribbon consists of a wide violet colored stripe at the centre, flanked by a small red, white and black stripe.
The Air Warden Honor Award 2nd Class was awarded for bravery in the Reichluftschutzbund and could be awarded to members of the Luftschutz but also to factory guards, fire fighters, police ect.
Condition: 8
F. PARADE FEMALE RADwJ LONG SERVICE MEDAL (Dienstauszeichnungen fur der RADwJ)
Female Labor Service 12-yr.
Medal in silver.
Relief swastika over stalks of barley - with an oak leaf border.
Dedication on reverse "Fur Treue Dienste Im Reichs-Arbeits-Dienst" (For Loyal Service In The National-Labor-Service)
The award comes complete with a parade original blue ribbon.
The ribbon has a silver national eagle cypher.
Condition: 8